After my study Management, Economy and Law at The Hague University I started my legal career at this office in 1995. From the very first start I’ve worked within the section of intellectual property law and have specialised myself in plant breeders’ rights and trademark rights. In relation to these parts of the law I advise clients on a daily basis for many years within the area of protection, surveillance and exploitation of plant breeders’ and trademark rights. Both in and outside the Netherlands. Furthermore, I am a registered European trademark attorney at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
While I had not heard of the existence of plant breeders’ rights back then in 1995, it turned out that my ten year long experience as greengrocer before that, and thus my affinity agri- and horticulture, came in quite handy in my legal practice.
My continuous interest for the law has also led me having achieved a master degree Dutch law (LL.M.) at the University of Leiden. If I am not busy at work, I like to play sports and love cooking as well as good food in general.