Christian van den Heuvel

Attorney at law

After having finished my study of law, I started as attorney at HJF in 2006. In contrast to most of my office colleagues, I did not have a career before starting my job at HJF. Thus, I first worked for a number of years in the general legal practice, to acquire knowledge on the subject of the legal profession. During that it became clear that the profession of being an attorney consists of various aspects, which go beyond the general public view of a lawyer as being a ‘litigator’. 

For an attorney, litigating is challenging and results-oriented, but for our clients it is something they would rather avoid. That is precisely the challenge for me. Together with our enterprising clients, the goal is to advice on, and to contribute to a stable organisation. Just to avoid problems or loose valuable time. That is why we validate a good and long lasting cooperation with our clients. 

In the meantime, I specialised myself in contract law and labour law, because in my point of view these practice areas form a stable and legal base for an organisation. A correct application of contracts gives security and stability to the outside, while an attentive personnel policy, supported by good labour contracts and regulations, offers internal stability. 

The consultancy practice always ends in front of the litigation practice. At least, that is my goal for all our clients, something which perfectly fits into the objectives of HJF!

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